Investor Relations

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Key figures (2024)


€ 176 M


€ 151 M





Revenue (mil EUR)


Upcoming events

February 25, 2025

Supervisory board meetings

March 25, 2025

Annual audited financial report release

May 12, 2025

ESG report release

August 20, 2025

Supervisory board meetings

Financial reports

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Financial News

October 18, 2024

Visit of the Secretary of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates

We were honored to welcome Mr. Ahmed Al Mansoori, a representative from the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, to Rockfin as part of strengthening the collaboration between Poland and the UAE. The visit took place on August 6, 2024, and marked a significant step towards forging closer business relationships and exploring investment opportunities. During the meeting, Mr. Al Mansoori was warmly received by the Rockfin management team.

The visit included a presentation where we showcased the history of Rockfin, our current projects, and future plans, with a special focus on our activities in the Middle East market and participation in the ADIPEC exhibition. Mr. Al Mansoori also had the opportunity to tour Rockfin’s production hall, where he was introduced to our state-of-the-art technologies and manufacturing processes. This part of the visit provided a deeper understanding of Rockfin’s technological capabilities and the potential for collaboration in delivering advanced engineering solutions.

The visit concluded with discussions on potential areas of cooperation, including technology transfer, joint research and development projects, and investment opportunities in the United Arab Emirates. Both parties expressed keen interest in continuing the dialogue and fostering long-term collaboration. Mr. Ahmed Al Mansoori’s visit to Rockfin was an important step in strengthening Polish-Emirati relations and opened new horizons for both parties.

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May 2, 2024

Notification on transformation and on change of the legal form of the company

We are pleased to announce that the continuous development of our organization has led to a change in its legal form: on May 2, 2024, Rockfin limited liability company was transformed into Rockfin a joint-stock company. A practical change for Rockfin is the new name: Rockfin S.A. and a new entry in the register of entrepreneurs in the National Court Register (KRS 0001102066). Other data, such as the REGON number and the NIP number, remain unchanged.

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Ownership Structure

Since  2022, majority ownership (94%) in Rockfin S.A. is ultimately held by Jet  Investment.
Jet Investment is a Czech Republic based private equity fund which specializes in investments in industrial enterprises across Europe.
At Rockfin, Jet Investment is  represented by the Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board Members

Jiri Kroc, Jet Investment

Jiří Kroc

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Igor Fajt, Jet Investment

Igor Fajt

Member of the Supervisory Board
Lubor Turza, Jet Investment

Lubor Turza

Member of the Supervisory Board

Contact for investors

Michał Markowski

Michal Markowski

CFO, Vice President of the Board